Two Languages/One Community
Two Languages / One Community is rooted in the use of writing and translation as a way to exchange culture and experience where such exchange is rare. We wanted to replicate our exchange and learning in community settings where African Americans and Chinese speakers lived side by side, yet had little cultural interaction. We believe that such an exchange invokes storytelling that facilitates engagement, understanding, bonding, and mutual support between communities.
Project Official Website: www.twolanguagesonecommunity.com
Visit Project on Michael Warr’s Website

Chinese American Stories
As immigrants, our ancestors came to America for the dream of a better life and opportunities for their offspring. This site is offering stories of our parents, grandparents, as well as our own generations. We hope to archive and present them for recording real history and telling true stories of our own communities, so our future generations can appreciate them and better envision and achieve their dreams.
Project Official Website: chineseamericanstories.org

Book of Changes & Book of poems
“Book of Changes & Book of Poems: Yi Jing & Shi Jing” are two art installations/environmental sculptures that take their names from two of the oldest Chinese classics. Together, they bridge the past and present, the East and West, nature and humanity, as well as hearts and the cosmos.
Standing side by side beneath a majestic oak tree, resonating with one another through shared energy, forms, and cultural, historical, and symbolic significance, the installations transform the site into an idyllic sanctuary. In addition, Book of Changes is an interactive piece.