The Map 地圖
A Broadside in English & Chinese
The Map 地圖 is published by the legendary Arion Press in English and Chinese (with title calligraphy by world-renowned calligrapher Aiqin Zhou) as its 2021 spring broadside, dedicated to the Graduating Class of 2021, their families, and their teachers, and all who have persevered through the greatest global pandemic in 100 years. It’s a heartwarming, universal, and profound poem that honors love. Gift a copy to a loved one in your life.

Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace
Edited by Maxine Hong Kingston
This poignant collection, compiled from Kingston’s healing workshops, contains the distilled wisdom of survivors of five wars, including combatants, war widows, spouses, children, conscientious objectors, and veterans of domestic abuse.
Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace is a harvest of creative, redemptive storytelling-nonfiction, fiction, and poetry-spanning five wars and written by those most profoundly affected by it.

Existential Psychology East-West (Volume 2)
by Louise Sundararajan & Mitch Hall
Edited by Louis Hoffman etc.
University Professors Press

Next To Bugs
an English translation of 《虫子旁》
Chinese bestseller by the award-winning author and designer Zhu Yingchun 朱赢椿